Wednesday, July 28, 2010


=========================================UDDALAK BANERJEE

"I asked u to make it a bit larger and look what u did!",the annoyed general scolded the cobbler.

"Sir i just put the leather deeper for greater comfort of your toes,besides this is a really old shoe sir and stitching an extra bit of leather would only make it look fatter and uglier, besides the stitch can comeoff anytime",the cobbler stitched out a neat reply.

"Fool..this is no ordinary shoe!!this is the shoe i had been wearing for the past 20 years since i had been posted here in vietnam on November 1, 1955.My father wore this very shoe to the Viet Minh ouster in 1946.Whenever i put this shoe on i feel a strange nostralgia and a physical touch of my father and his regal war history.",the general continued.

"Anyways me toe nail has grown aweful lot and had been hurt last sunday when i was ambushed by a pool of school going vietnamese when i left the shoe back at home!.It is not just any old shoe !It is the shoe which fuels my self belief..everytime i wear it ..",the general boasted .

The second in command Mr Alfred prince was waiting all this while at a distance from the shop which stood amidst ruins in the heart of Viet Minh city.Amidst bloodbathed claustophobic streets hidden by sea of roubles created by heavy bombing from US forces this small shop bordered by two big walls which once ornamentally boosted the solidarity of the formerly "NORTH CENTRAL COMMITTE"s central office just about 10 kms from the little market.

Just as the cobbler hurriedly opened up the leather from the shoe and started to make arrangements for using some extra leather to increase the longitudenal size .Mr alfred came dashing towards the general and said ,"sir the vin ciru district has been taken by a school of resident vietnamese armed with the M1 Carbines captured from us in yesterdays ambush .THere are a few chinese snipers too .They are marching straight towards us at great pace and will be here within an hour."

"ask the SAF TO saddle up ..and commission the redbird to keep eye over the developments and enemy position",General replied in haste.

Almost immediately a spooky whizzed past in the sky making a motoring sound of its ungreased propellar.

The cobbler , a man in his mid fourties was a practised hand but he could not help but to gaze blankly at the general.

"what happened u filthy lout ?what are u looking at? get the job done now !!!!or else u would be the first vietnamese casualty from my SKS (Simonov 7.62 mm semi-automatic carbine)",the anxious general yelled out to the torpid mendicant.

"sir it would take time..(with a shadow of fear engulfing his face at the prospect of the words being his last)",came the pussilanimous reply.

The general immediately kicked the cobbler in the face and shouted,"you moron surreptitious treacherous scoundrel ...u dont know what importance this shoe is to me!!"

Just as he was about to holster his SKS to further intimidate the cobbler something from behind hit him .Even before he could turn around he sensed a hole in his forehead.His lifeless body dumped on the floor exactly over the shoe which the cobbler was mending.A gory sanguinary battle followed.The regiment of South vietnam was ambushed with 132 US soldiers maimed."

The bodies of the dead were burned and their possessions looted.All that remained in the shoe shop the following evening was the torn shoe of the general.

As time went by finally the war ended. Slowly the streets and cities came back to life.The torn regal shoe was lost.A few rodents made its house in it and gave birth to the offsprings too.Soon after the end of the war, the north and south vietnam were united again.The cities started to find its life back .And one day the regal shoe along with other old tornout leftovers were burned out all together by the vietnamese municipality .Now the offsprings of the rodents were too small and had just been born and did not have enough time to jump out like its parent and stayed incarcerated in the shoe as it burned in the mass fire amidst other trash.

The next day when the lady sweeper was sweeping the street after the fire she found something moving in the ash.On moving the left overs, the offsprings jumped out of the shoe and ran away.In disbelief when the sweeper moved closer and lifted the ragged shoe she found PERSEUS's name inscribed below.

-------------------------------------THE END--------------------------------------

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