Monday, May 14, 2012



=============================================UDDALAK BANERJEE

A caterpillar often moves from one leaf to another blissfully unaware of the threats that 
may lie in store of it.Soon when the stage of maturation occurs it makes a cocoon and 
transforms into a butterfly.When i was young i used to often dream of a place far away 
where there were blue clouds ,high mountains ,a house and a river.A river where there were
millions of fishes small,big,medium.Sunlight would come and go time and again and time would 
move along silently step by step.But then what one wants or dreams often never meets the 
light of reality.While the reality stands crowded with a population of 3 crore in just a 
city like kolkata .The congestion for space is nothing new all across the globe as the world 
population keeps increasing everyday at a brisk pace.With commercialisation and evergrowing 
competition soon filling up the breathing space of life .IT is often hard to just keep 

yesterday,i met with an old man one of my distant relatives.He sat in his hospital bed 
reclined to the wall.His eyes had grown experienced .His expression was unique .Silent
and strangely passive .Perhaps he has left the struggle of life.IT was hard to imagine him 
as an avaricious man who used to strive hard in life for success.His eyes today were 
dreamless ,sleepless and hopeless.HE had migraine and would not live many days.I did not 
initialy want to visit him because i did not like to see pain ,sufferings of people for it 
used to push me into a mental state of sainthood.I used to feel as a child to be constantly 
called upon by nature to be part of it .TO live a life far away from society into the 
wild.To live and hear the nature to speak everyday.But then the wild are receding with 
advancing commercial gaints who are but conquering and selling of every tool of nature to 
garner more wealth .

The old man was not expecting me . Once i was there he asked ,"did u face any trouble to be 

I said " NO was how ru ?"

old man looked outside and said with a deep breath," just waiting to find communion with the 

I said," sir how do you feel away from all the hustle and bustle now?"

old man said ,"the initial phase was tough when i first came here leaving the ever busy 
schedule of wealth creation.(Smiles) . I now feel everything as the same.Standing here and 
there is of no great difference.Whatever i have will decay someday through the hands of this 
generation or the next"

I said,"sir when u sleep how do you you feel lonely?"

old man said,"everyone is lonely at heart uddalak.U tell me have u ever seen two persons to 
die simultaneously apart from an accident ?.The spirits traverse unseen lands and become at 
one with nature .The nature and God are both always same."

I said,"BUt sir dont you feel pain?"

The expression on the oldmans face changed,He said," Uddalak it is life it operates in 
circles.U will make friends u will make enemies.At times i recount old words said to people 
which might not have been right.Sometimes i recount what if that was different.I also do 
feel at times desperation to change them all.I feel like had it been today i would have 
definately not said them this.But they are lost now lost where i dont know."

I said,"but that can be changed isn't it? everything if u feel it wrong from the bottom of 
the heart u can definately try to change and u may end up changing it!"

The old man said,"philosophy is not always the answer.Sometimes it is reality which takes 
course.Not always like a film does the ending come moralistic.Infact it never so happens 
that the remark of any particular person remained for ever.Life is a circle i told u .IT 
operates in a loop.U start u end and the memory gets flushed.WHen u grow old u will realise 
ur vision is growing weak,your limbs are growing weaker.U will struggle to adjust.U will 
want to live like before but u will be made to adjust.IT is nature no permanent hero or 
heroine is there it is all images that one paints on others through persona and deeds.The 
image becomes bleak and bleak and slowly it becomes nonexistant.Thousands of people have 
lived here in bengal whom u never knew and will never know who might have done great deeds 
and yet history bears no trace of them.Those that are mentioned in history may have won the 
race of time and distinction but in the end when u die what difference does it make.When 
take a rebirth u wont know who that guy was who had done those deeds.Besides as the 
generation gap increases deeds often lose significance and remain just as a forced mark of 
honour which sufercially people mark just for the sake of it."

I said,"sir how are u feeling now?"

The old man said,"i want to see you again.i tend to forget everything these days .Next time 
when u come i may forget i had ever spoken to you"

I said,"sir it is obvious with age it happens"

The old man hold my hand as if not allowing me to go.

I stood there for a while .I said,"time has its hold on all our lives sir.IT would not allow 
me to go defunct.I wil have to leave and join work again but it was great to talk to you"

Tears suddenly filled the old mans face,he said,"i am a good man uddalak.all my life i have 
tried hard to give as much performance i could.i wanted to be good and others to speak good 
of me. Today in death bed i get to see very few people.As if my chapter has ended.My hearing 
is growing less too.I feel as if i am not able to hear anything from anyone is 
almost a vaccuum. I have tons of things to say.In dreams i feel i am in a lift and it is 
falling rapidly.I want my parents to hear me at times.I want them to listen to me condole 
me.Unite with me.Talk to me and take away this lonelyness.I want to feel them with their 
touch which i keep searching for in the bed but it is so not there.I struggle to exist to 
coexist with the gradual depleting memory ."

I said,"can i do anything for you sir?"

He said,"please do come again.I feel happy to have seen people whom i met in life"

took leave and came home that day.When i was about to go to sleep his words were 
constantly sounding on my brain. I was not able to sleep. I went outside in moon light.I 
found a caterpilar moving about in the branch.I became thoughtless and focussed on it.After 
sometime it was lost.I searched for it.There was a nest nearby that was more of a cacoon.IT 
was dense.I did not know the caterpillar i saw was this one or not as it had already formed 
a cocoon .I did not stir it for i felt it would disturb its transition.

Next day morning,when i went there i saw the cocoon is not there and someone or something 
had disturbed it.The caterpillars half transformation had taken place but then it has 
stopped breathing.I felt sad all day .That very day i got the news of that old man and that 
he had passed away.I went to the hospital.Nurses said that the relatives have already taken 
his body.Now in his place lay a new patient in ward no 123.


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