Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Life is based on dharma and that is it and was it always.

In summary the main philosophical subject matter of the Bhagavad Gita is the explanation of five basic concepts or "truths"-----------

* Ishvara (The Supreme Controller)
* Jiva (Living beings/the individualized soul)
* Prakrti (Nature/Matter)
* Dharma (Duty in accordance with Divine law)
* Kaala (Time)

God was there and is there.THose who disbelieve him actually believe him the most.Whenever we suffer pain and in the sense of deep anguish we look towards him for peace and solace.Patients suffering from diseases like lungcancer and brain tumour are live examples of how GOD brings peace to the afflicted souls.Atleast they find a source of inspiration to live in an otherwise unimaginative and cruel world .Imagine yourself haveing blood cancer and living a life in an hospital waiting for your death and find that all your friends are busy in their own lives and your neighbours too..would that please you? GIta doesnot say that --"u DONT WORK" BUT GITA SAYS THAT "U WORK BUT FOR DHARMA AND NOT FOR PROSPERITY" .HUMAN History had scene enough bloodshed and devastation on the name of prosperity but without respect to prakriti ,ishwara and kaala dharma cannot be accomplished and without dharma there cannot be peace.People forget that they too are mortals and will die..and that every day they live is a day less that they have got to live on this beautiful planet and hence indulge in sin and get dissolved in it.I have met people who say at times that GOD is not there but they fail to realise his GIGANTIC presence in the souls as small as an ant and the wind that brushes the shores of the sea.They cry over and lose faith at deaths in natural disasters and say ,"THERE IS NO GOD AND MY FRIEND IS DEAD OR MY FATHER OR MOTHER IS DEAD INSPITE OF THEY BEING GOOD PEOPLE" forget that the cycle of life and was and is and will be the iternal cycle for all animals living on earth.Tiger eating a sheep and a sheep eating grass is all part of cycle and any act of disbalancing it in act against nature and against GOD.People think that they live a life and for every good deed they should be rewarded fail to take into account the very fact that their very existence is itself an award for nothing after or before it is known to a living man.IT is amazing that inspite of knowing that the upanishads continuously stress on views like atma and parmatma ,just owing to the rapid development of mordern sciences people feel averse to accept the unconditional supreme being.

In the words of gita,"Cancalam Hi Manah Krsna Pramathi Balavaddrdham
Tasyaham Nigraham Manye Vayoriva Suduskaram"

This Sloka states that the Individual self is the traveler in the chariot of the material body and the intelligence is the driver. Mind is the driving instrument and the senses are the horses. Thus, the self is the enjoyer or sufferer in the relationship of the mind and senses.

In the words of gita,"Na Mam Duskrtino Mudhah Prapadyante Naradhamah
Mayayapahrtajnana Asuram Bhavamasritah"

This Shloka says that people who are attracted by maya of God lose their mind. They get fascinated by the baser impulses and stop worshipping God. These people are stupid and evil who don't even understand that all these things are part of the web created by the Almighty.

In the same essence in the words of bible we find in the old testament in 1.18 isiah says,"Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."

Similarly in oldtestament isiah says,"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee."

both the above lines are self explainatory and lays down how the GOD's son had wished life is to be load.

It is hurtful to find that people debate on existance of the greatest spirit when the quotes have always incited in them a strong urge to live and live in the truest sense.People get drawn towards films and scenes of hatred and lust more than they get drawn towards great deeds.Which again had been boldly stated in bible how to overcome the overwhelming urge which is very human.The gnawing urge has only led to devastation and ruining of lives yet humans bound by passion and vague sense of adventure gets trapped era after era.Only way out of sufferings have been a simple life which only a few are able to live.Those that do often get criticised by a section as a mug or a non adventurist imbecile creature but they the more adventurous ones soon find the calamity falling on themselves.The scenes of braveness in films are mostly done by stuntman who do it after years of practice and after careful precautionary measures.But the ones in audience fall for it and take it to reality and set the "false" as "true" at the back of their minds and keep accumulating such things.THe net result is that they soon lose their own existance lost in the wild of "false" saying it to be true and set the standard of others life as a marker to his own and find solace in the fact that others too have been languising a life of sin and punishment.It is important here to state a few points which often leads to frustration in youth over the whole concept of karma.The issue here is that sin is based on falsehood and is driven by desire.The development of a heart which is independent of grief is only possible when it is flexible and oily.By the term oily means just like oil acts as a lubricant ,the heart should also not be remarked by events around .Deaths life and birth are a cycle on their own.Every individual is born with a destiny which cannot be forsaken.But the good deeds itself leed to the path of respect which inturn lead to a better and congenial climate to live.

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