Sunday, June 19, 2016



-----------------------------------------------------------UDDALAK BANERJEE(UBJ)

#All characters and incidents in this story are imaginary and unreal. Any  similarity with any real life happening is purely fictional.#

"I love you EJ",SAID Uddalak.EJ said "shut up and concentrate on your work.Dont you have any sense of time.How many times have you said this to me now? From the mornng this is the 15th time.And it is only 10 am in the morning.".Uddalak,"But I really really really love you ..When will u understand my feelings?God promise!..See See I have touched my throat".EJ ,"Ooff! U say a word more and I live the office.For love to bloom you must respect and be curteous and stolid and not impatient and restive like you".THE BOSS CAME OUT OF THE OFFICE AND SAID,"HEY UDDALAK AND EJ PLEASE COME IN ".EJ,"See how romantic ..You and your stale romance.. Atleast the boss knows how to relieve girls.You can learn .."


UDDALAK AND EJ both have been actively working for the same newspaper for some time now .One of the most wonderful and beautiful ladies on the block EJ was often prompted for modelling and she persistently said "NO".She had a dream .She wanted to become someone who will be sought after .She hated gloss and but loved to take challenges.Uddalak on the other hand was always a man who was always into dreaming .He was always having an inherent feeling that he wanted to talk to girls especially the ones like EJ on romance and attimes flirt around with the rest.But then asperson I guess keeping in mind the date and time of composition that was perhaps perfectly normal.Since the very first day Uddalak had his dreams enmeshed on EJ .Which may be because of her beautiful dreamy face,her tenubrous eyes,the bluish tinge of around her retina or her frank smile and overtly sophisticated panache.EJ indeed had a class of her own.SO even if they quarrelled all day long it did not affect either of them.For Ej it was just another day and trying to keep his college heap coals on his head .FOr Uddalak it was yet another day to try to get a bit close to the girl of his dreams.Now Uddalak had a secret.He out of all the women in school or college and later now at work had for once and only once chosen EJ as his soul mate,so even knowing that he mightnot have had any remark on her mind always used to try and try to have himself infront of her as some one she would like or take a bit more seriously.

Anyways,the day was 12th june,2010 and they boarded the airIndia flight to Ghana.In plain too they took separate seats on request from EJ.Uddalak did not have his day again.He had to stay contended with seat no 124 with EJ taking 214 of the other row.Now on plane the person sitting in seat no 213 was FRANCIS KANU.He was a man in his early 40s but had all the style that every women would die to want.KANU was a two time devorsee but yet had an impinge of charm that made him strikingly different.His manners starting from holding the cigar to making coffee had the name style written allover it.AND EJ died for style .SHe had an inborn liking for it.Kanu broke the ice ,"My dear lady you certainly look devine.May I wonder what a such a fine maid may do in Ghana?".Uddalak was keeping abreast of the developments and was constantly peeping through the newspapers towards the seat no 214."who is you?",said EJ."I am as people say most benevolent FRANCIS KANU".EJ recognised instantly his voice ,"did you come on radio last night?O my God!I listen to all your programs.You are true chauvinist.And most of all a true man. ".And the airhostess came near her to forward a glass of juice which bimistake fell on KANU.EJ said,"sorry sorry !".Kanu said with all grace,"no no!it is fine.".EJ rose to rub it off.Kanu looked into EJ's eyes and looks were exchanged and magic of airindia perhaps had its last say.In the midst of all this Uddalak rose up and in a means to divert the attension said ,"I am sorry but Mr KANu would you mind if I take your seat is rather hot for me here ..U know..I think that seat would be airy..".

Anyways in another 9 hours finally AIRINDIAflight landed in GHana.All this while uddalak silently read a book given by one of the air hostesses which was about Black ROse.Uddalak all his life had heard of red rose as the symbol of love.BUt was shocked to hear that the black rose found in GHana had a great magical effect in love .The magazine said the outer color of rose though black has a strange element in it which could conjure up a tempest in the holders mind and can steal his heart in a matter of seconds.Really GHana was an amazing land full of mystique as the time of landing approached.The flight landed at 9:00 am .THe land here is quite similar to India .ONly that population is minimum as compared to the strong 110crore Indians with dense buildings.Apart from that Ghana is a country which is extremely poor but has vast tracts of cultivable land and lakes too.Ubiquitous uddalak took up the luggages as EJ bade Kanu goodbye with a warm hug.As the porter was helping him out.Uddalak could not help sighing"I never got anything like this..".As soon as Kanu was gone .Uddalak as always tried to use the black rose effect in Ghana by divert EJ's attension saying "So then what was the two time divorcee doing with you ?".EJ instantly replied "mind your own business.".In his mind he thought "Damn! it did not work!"."ok! some one gets hug and someone gets stones ..both are same yet so unsame..!!!(looking at the porter who was looking at him with a smiling face).(TO EJ)so where is the map?"."what map ?We have to go to the bicarmel street first and then get the map from there..ANd you please on the back seat ..please because if you seat on the front seat i would be constantly distracted.",said EJ."when the summer smiles, kingdoms rye,oceans buttock yet you like nile make me file in a dream of tile with macabre guile."uddalak ."ok this is no time for poetries or else i am going out of the car.."said EJ. They reached the hotel and meet Mr Bercuscci.He took them to a secret room in the hotel and said "I hope by now both of you must have known the project is huge as otherwise the company wont have invested so much money to get you two jeornalists up here in GHana.".Uddalak in his repartee said"what is there in the packet?".Mr Bercuscci laughed and said "Wait on ! I will tell you ".THe mystery of the room suddenly unraveled with the magical half sarcastic half learned smile from MR Bercuscci .Uptill the entry into the room sofar the visit was looking real normal although both Uddalak and EJ knew that it was not that normal either.For they remembered the boss'S words "500000 lakhs".IT would take human histories greatest inventions to earn that kind of fortune in a single hit .Mr Bercuscci explained ,"there is a lake or rather there was a lake which was destroyed by American bombers in the late 2nd world war but one of the GHana scientiest had kept a sample of water of the lake which had a strange property of converting water to petrol.Can you imagine EJ what cost such water would be if you can convert pure water to petrol with that?".Ej replied,"trillions of EURos"."yes infact more..runing into astronomical figures.",said Bercuscci,"now to get this sample is what you have to do ..we will do the replication is said that the scientist having the sample went to an assosiate island named lubina you can aswell go and find it
out.".But Uddalak was more concerned about the blackrose he had read of in the plane .He thought that perhaps the black rose is his only alternative to win back EJ.

Without any wastage of time they went out to LUbina assisted by BR Bercusscci ,who at the end said and warned them both to keep the thing a secret because any leekage of news could rob their newspaper and his agency both of millions of dollars because if they could find the thing out then the newspaper and the agency stands enriched by a atleast a billion dollars by advertisement and other assosiates.There while they were taking a local cab to a place near asuni where the scientist was last spotted.They met mr Kanu .EVER SO watchful Ej's chauvinist perfect male Mr Kanu immediately on seeing them stopped the cab and gave them a free ride with EJ sitting at his side and Uddalak at the back of the car.EJ was mighty impressed for the cab was slow and she always used to like speed .On both sides of the lane there were a series of black flowers.Which made Uddalak wander whether they were black roses or not.what ever be it slowly but gradually love started to blossom between Ej and Kanu .Kanu made arrangements for their stay too in Asuni where he had a big bunglow and a lake alongside.Uddalak was given and an outside room and EJ was kept at the room alongside KAnu's Room.About this uddalak wrote in his diary about .On searching for the scientist though Kanu proved to be a great help and this further impressed EJ who was already head over heels for him.Poor Uddalak had to now play only a secondary role and with Kanu sweeping all EJ's focus .Uddalak started to become silent too.In his diary uddalak wrote "the summers come winters go , i feel lonely and sorrow, i donot know what hides my queen ,my god seems lost in the rainy green."The scientist was traced to his ancestors and his bloodline traced to a boy FARID who was a cousin of KANU itself.And all this over in just 7 days the project was speedily moving to its completion by the day thanks to Kanu .But one thing that was constantly bothering Uddalak was that Kanu was getting all the attention now from Ej who now openly professed her love for her.SHe made the food for kanu ,cleaned his clothes,even chatted all night with him,and on the otherhand Kanu too had EJ's tatooed on his arms.In between uddalak was stuck he could neither say anything on pain of a project failure which may simply terminate their carriers and which would definately indirectly lead to a permanent loss of EJ nor just stay a silent spectator to the blooming romance which had taken the valley.In his diary uddalak wrote"I saw them kiss yesterday near the fountain,Ej was all wet,and Kanu had his shirt removed too.I picked a rock and dropped it on the lake.SO they were distracted and did not go further.BUt i believe this wont do ..I am losing EJ without whom i have no other interest in LIfe .But perhaps i should take her free will as my marker.I know I cannot live without her ,infact breath without her,she is my companion friend and everything,never had a friend except her since college.I tried my best to win her but she just did not respond..I dont know much of courtship .I tried to be serious but then she feels bored and when i joke she feels it is stale.I am dying in grief and my soul is passing through hell with each passing day."

Finally,the day finally came and Kanu coaxed Farid to give him the sample stored in his lab.He did not have any clue for he had no idea of its importance.EJ was happy as the project reached its completion and directly Kissed Kanu in the open.THe boss was happy and ecstatic and accoladed Uddalak and EJ as the best jeornalists of his time.And the night was a full moon night and as both EJ and Kanu celebrated their night together with Kanu proposing to Ej in a garden of black rose(a speciality of Ghana) and obviously acceptance from Ej followed.Uddalak witnessed it all from his room,the sting of the black rose perhaps sealed his fate.The girl he had been dying to have is now no longer his .He simmered in frustration but had no way to relent.As Kanu once explained "the black rose is the rose which assumed color black but has all the major qualities of a rose.perhaps like me who had a series of wives but still stood afresh ..(laughs).But truely black rose makes Ghana what it is .It is this black rose which changes lives for ever.".They took an oath in the temple and spent the night together living as man and wife making the relationship consummate.Uddalak stayed outside crying in pain as the night rolled out to a morning new.FOr it was the day of their coming back to India .Where the agency and the newspaper were ready to welcome them.EJ came to Uddalak's room and told "I am not going back.We have taken an oath of staying together for life.But I had always wanted you to succeed and hence am giving you the sample.Go back to India and the world will have your name in all leading newspapers."Uddalak stood silent.EJ said "it was nice working with you ,you were really good to me,at times i felt happy with you and attimes i was irritated but truth to see we were not predestined for each other ..".Uddalak now said ,"you are asking my heart and giving me money,what will a lifeless body do with money?I never had any craze for name .I can easily forego all this name just to be with you.Please come back.""it is not possible as the vows were exchanged and i like him all i can do for today is be your lover for one day as you live for India." Ej said. Uddalak smiled and said"ok in one day shall I live my life and never complain till the last breath leaves my body"."in all the newspapers around the globe the name would be yours ...I would be just the carrier .I will tell them the truth and slowly dissolve myself in the dark that surrounds the lamp of this invention."Uddalak continued,"Now that the hour of our 17 years long assosiation is near and you gave me a day to fulfilling my role as your lover..Just bring me a blackrose and infront of me let me touch it to your eyes face and lips and i would happily part ways with it .In his diary Uddalak wrote "Ej accompanied me to the garden.I picked up a rose and with the beautiful climate around us i touched it to her forehead and slowly dragged it around her eyebrows and her lips down to her throat with her eyes closed.It was a sight i could not forget all my life.For one moment I touched divinity and reached my fulfillment .For one moment i lived all my life and my soul begun and ended in her.The world stopped and i found myself living in one moment all the time that had left behind even the time when we were close yet so far."Uddalak said ," I love you and always did with the last rays of light ..and will always live my life in your name,In my joys in my pranks i have always found you ..I get you physically or not doesnot matter.That day when he was kissing you i didnot see any wrong but i felt that my hold on u is ending god is living me ..hence i felt sorrow..thats all.I donot know about you but i will live my life with this rose that you had given me ..and may be wait for a 14th life to have you..this life seemed to be short and futile but yes i will have you someday in your 14th life and that time there wont be any other person..the day when the sun and the moon in the skies will be clear we will meet in comets unseen.."

Then they departed .EJ stayed back.Uddalak came back and gave the discovery to the press in Ej's name and receded to a life of his own.ANd he put that rose in the diary he always carried.Today when uddalak is seventy years old and unmarried still flirting with Ej in his dreams in all those fullmoon nights when the sky is clear and stars so distinct.grandchildren of his neighbours often ask about the adventure and say "Grandpa did you love Ej?DId you kiss her ?Did you see her after that ?"uddalak replies to one and all saying ."no i did not kiss her but the black rose which made my heart wake into hers and united the souls in pole star you see distant every evening when you go to sleep.And even in death i will flirt with her and her always ..i can feel the pain she must be experiencing at the joints at this age..and the joy of the ocean touching her palms..both so equally.".And then he takes his diary out and read the whole thing time and again with the ematiated blackrose infront of his heart as he slips to sleep.A whisper is heard --"they meet again in his dreams..".


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