Friday, June 17, 2016

Good Morning Mr MITchell

This story is of Mr John Mitchell who used to live near the shore where The Hudson Bay made tributeries brushing sides of Manhattan with one and touching the BROKLYN NS and port Washington with the other.He was 5 feet 10 inches tall and had a lean figure which was draped within a old tattered sweater.He had an old habit and this habit was to talk to animals which were not exactly his pets but yes they used to live on in his house.Mr Mitchell’s living was entirely based on the pension his aunt MRS TOLSTOY living at locust valley used to grant him a cheque of about four hundred dollars. His mother gifted their entire property to his aunt for he exhibited signs of mental disorder at early childhood. 

“Good Morning froggy! I had a great night yesterday ,I was flying around in Pandora and my pipe was still in my throat and pupu was sitting in my pocket ha ha ha!(he looked around but no human listener was present .)I was sitting on whom u know(looking at an animal at a corner of the room)? U wont believe ! 007!!!!!What a day!“,Mr Mitchell said while brushing his teeth .”JINTAC JINTAC dashing is the day…”,Mr mitchel continued unperturbed as ever now looking at the mirror to see how shiny his teeth was.The room itself was at sixes and sevens and was full of webs and dirt which had made the paint in the walls look non existent.IT was a quiet little jungle existing within the walls of his room.Plants grew in the crevaces and filled the ground with stems and creepars.There was a frog in his bathroom along with a number of leeches in his bathtub and a bunch of grasshoppers hopping around in the old soap cases and the spider webs filled the room rendering it partly transluscent in daylight .The frog was dearly called by the name “froggy” by MR MITCHELL and was timidly siting near the door .IT had a face resembling one of MR Mitchells predecessors .Inspite of being part of MR Mitchells family for over 3 months now it had still preserved the timid attitude that its pregenitors have passed on to it. It looked nonchalantly at his face and stayed still as if anticipating any aggression on the part of MR Mitchell and then suddenly it jumped over the basin resting against the wall now.

Across the streets there was a song faintly audible ,”hey rock the sin of life in dreams …” .The room was rather quiet apart from the hissing sound of 007 which occasionally broke the otherwise day and night song of KGB.From childhood itself Mitchell had been very close to the animals and loved them madly.He was jeered by classmates and peers for his excessive attachment to them but then he persisted .
“You know one thing sexy froggy..with your lovely lips I love to be rent the air with floss and scent of some magical beauty you mind if I kiss you and put a ring on your fingers and have madly hot sexcy night together in the bed?”Mr mitchell took his head near the head of the frog .”hu ? hu? Would you mind …hu?tell me froggy am I not the most handsome and super sexy bachelor on town?”.

The frog was resting with his back to the basin wall and suddenly jumped up and sat on his nose and then jumped over the head and then bounced on the ground out of the room through the open door.

“My lovely froggie(with a loud voice) come back here …we will have a whoooooooole afternoon of kissing and niggling with each other.I love the scent of yours and your scaled skin.Come back here sweet little thing.Muuah”,Mr mitchel rushed following the frogs trail.

In his room there were creatures as wild as cobras ,spiders of a wide variety and cockroaches,snails and pigeons .One can say that the inner part of his house was more like a dense jungle rather than the world ourside.He loved staying with them.He even gave names to the cockroaches that stayed with him.The big and white bleached cockroach was named as Ralf ,it was produced as a self controlling measure by nature to terminate the number of cockroaches which in his house ranged into thousands.At times he used to forget the names of these onethousand cockroaches and hence he used to write them down with identifying characterestics in his diary which was named as “MITCHELL FILES” .At times when he used to run out of stalk of worthy names he used names like cocky1 ,cocky458 etc.Now the three venomous cobras that used to stay in his basement were named respectively 007,fily898 and Robert .Even the spider on his room walls had names and they were PETER PARKER(the spider which stayed in the his bedroom),peterlove(the spider that having a web on his bathroom),pupu(blackwidow which stayed at his attic),mothermary(the spider which bore about a hundred offsprings last summer flooding his rooms with these creatures)etc.He even named the offsprings obeying a simple nomenclature which stated that the name of the offspring should be having the mother and fathers name along with a unique number like 1,2 etc.And the same principal was followed for all subsequent offsprings in subsequent generations.The froggy was the latest addition to the family.

That day was Saturday and the Asset Recoverablility and Environment sustainablility unit of NYC had come to issue a legal notice to Mr Mitchel to either keep his house clean or pay a fine of 1 million US dollars. They were searching for the door bell amidst the creepers which had made the doorbell unidentifiable. And immediately there was a big splash of sound of “Dupp dhap and dhuuum “ and immediately the floor covered head of Mr Mitchell was standing tall infront of them.They were all spellbound by this sudden occurance and before they could speak out a word Mr Mitchell said “hi..hello have you seen my froggy?007 was after it since last night I don’t know it just jumped out of the house it had a ligament injury sustained in a big jump that it took a few minutes back!”.The men knew not what to say but one of them finally began by a brief introduction,”Actually we are from ARES and we have orders to vacate your house on sanitary grounds .You may have to pay a fine of 1 million US dollars for the garbage that you had accumulated in your house.”Another added,”failing which under section 345 Of US constitution you can be declared enemy of the state of America leading to your deportation from UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.I hope you are understanding the gravity of my words.”.Mr Mitchell looked serious for a moment and then said ,”ok but have you seen my froggy ?peterlove is waiting for it .We were about to go to see AVATAR today and froggy has not come back yet!”.His listeners just looked at each other seeing no hope of making MR Mitchell aware of the crisis he was in they relented.

The unit seeing no other alternative reported back to their chief who wasted no time to call on the judge .The very next day the sheriff from EMPIRE ESTATE arrested him and produced him in court .

IN the brief stinct in the police station MR Mitchell was blissfully happy and was seen playing with a tarantula in his pocket which he called mothermarylove3 .Finally when he was produced in court too he was very calm and stood silent in front of the bench of jury.The jury composed of thirteen judges of whom MRS KATHRINE and MRS ROBERTS were the only female members of whom MRs Roberts was the chief of the jury.The court room had a hum of conversation when MR Mitchell was produced to the court and took to his chair.Unfortunately there were no defendant lawyer in his case because police could not trace the address of MRs Tolstoy or her whereabout because there was hardly any documentary proof left in his house which was a jungle in the inside with snakes and cockroaches abound in.The pages of his diary was also inconclusive as half the pages were eaten away by rats.Anyways the prosecution lawyer MR David Morgan proceeded with the case.

David,”ladies and gentlemen and the honorable members of the jury I believe what we have here is a transparent case of gross misconduct on behalf of MR Mitchell .He had compromised the very tenets of our civilization by giving a safe haven to dangerous and ubiquitous pests like cockroaches and animals like snakes and spiders of wide varieties which have infected the neighborhood causing nuisance in their daily lives .ARES unit of NYC has already given him numerous warnings of consequences but it had all fallen to deaf ears and this man as u can see infront of you had continued to nourish these pests throughout this time spoiling the environment rendering it unhygienic to live in hence spoiling the climate of manhattan !”

David ,”hence forth in the interest of us all I would appeal to the court to incarcerate him and issue orders to take over the house as a state property and immediate cleansing of the house .”

MRs ROBerts,”OK.does the accused have anything to say against the prosecution charge?”

Mrs Roberts,”hello ?are u listening?Do you understand english”.

Mr Mitchell,”EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE .brum !brum! brum !lishhhhhhhhhh”.

In the mean time Mr Mitchell was busy scribbling on the sides of his chair marking his name and mothermarylove3’s name on it .

Mrs Robert facing towards Mr David ,”Is he mentally unstable?”

David ,”well his peers from school say so ..but no medical test had been done to confirm it .”

Mrs Robert ,”well inorder to confirm that we must conduct a test on him then..”

Mr Mitchell looking at the chair and sides of the bench infront of him and puling his shirt,I am not mentally unsound! Peter peter say it to him ,they are all mentally unsound”

Mrs Robert,”Mr Mitchell your comments are in contempt of this court !“.

Mr Mitchell,”it is our house and we 3429 people live in it .We are not great but we are just what we are .WE are always together .We love ourselves very much.”
Mrs Roberts,” what!!!3429 ! people?.”

Mr Mitchell,”yes I peterlove,froggy,mothermarry,007,Ralf ,peterparkar,cocky1,pupu,cocky2,peterparker1,peterparker2,peterparker3,Ralflove1,Ralflove2,cocky3,cocky4,cocky5,cockycocky12,peterlove1,peterlove2,peterlove,antonias,giran,pupu1,pupu2,pupu3,mothermarylove1,mothermarylove2,mothermarylove3……………..andrewcock798,andrewcock799.”

The entire court room grew silent .

The entire jury was looking at each other for in their lives they had never met such a direct explaination of an act with a direct reference like this .MR Mitchell blurted out the entire list of 3429 residents without a break!
MR David who had won 5 cases in a row this season was left groping for words infront of a man who stood tall and looked at the jury and him with a pure spotless look.There was no fear of indictment in his eyes but pain of losing his own ,the ones who were his only family.

Mrs Roberts,”But regarding the complains that have been pouring down regarding the “members” of your house what do you have to say on those complaints?”

Mr Mitchell,”Well andrewcock767 went to MARTHAs house because I did not give him enough of milk the otherday and he was angry and hence he went there but later at 4:50 pm he came back and never went out again.Pupu too did not bite Martha’s dog it was just that he went for a walk and climbed the tree when her dog was barking at him and came close to hit him.And froggy went to Alices house only once but it did not sit on the milk that she was boiling but she perceived it so because he has a nack of sitting at high places .After that it was pure chance and preconceived fear that had made them to track 007 and ralf and pupu and all else individually for which none of us are responsible.”

MR David ,”This is nonsense !he is bewitching the house”

Mr Mitchell,”ask peter? If you don’t believe me .Ok wait.Ask mothermarylove3 ! we were playing hide and seek and suddenly this inspector of yours rams a piece of paper at it and it was hurt and its leg was broken.It Is sitting just next to you “
“what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”,Mrs Roberts stood up “there is a tarantula sitting over me!!”

All other judges stood up too and the whole place was engulfed in anarchy.
Mr Mitchell,cried out loud,”don’t touch his front leg it hurts him the most .If you touch it then only it will bite!It will not bite otherwise.He loves ripe mangoes and grapes…”

Suddenly Mrs Robert cried out loud and all the attendents in the court room rushed to her aid.

Mothermarylove3 had bitten her in the foot.Actually in fear she had just touched the front leg of mothermarylove3 and the inevitable had just happened. And she was wailing in agonizing pain.

Her attendents then immediately spotted mothermarylove3 and killed it by repeatedly hitting it with books and pointed objects what ever they found at hand.
When the situation was in control a furious MRs Roberts addressed the court again.Now she was nolonger in a mood to linger .She immediately pronounced ,”having seen the amount of damage that the so called residents of Mr Mitchells house can cause I immediately sentence Mr Mitchell for 10 years imprisonment in an insulated cell with no contact with any keen.And I also announce that his house be immediately quarantined and order to kill all its residents for the larger interest of our civilization and immediate safety of each peaceloving manhattan residents.”
Mr David and all other jury members were highly pleased sighed in relief.But MRs Robert was not that happy perhaps due to the pain or someother thought which was disconcerting her .Anyways,the orders were carried out and MR Mitchell was taken to an underground cell and imprisoned there.

A year later,MRs Roberts was visiting empirestate refomery where she was invited by the superintendent to attend a program conducted by the convicts .She accepted the offer and arrived at the reformer on the scheduled date. Her seat in the front row alongside the superintendent.Just when the program had begun a attendant came running to the superintendent and informed that MR MITCHELL IS NOT IN HIS CELL.The superindent adjorned the whole program immediately and accompanied by Mrs Roberts rushed to the MR Mitchells cell.

The cell was empty and a big whole was made in the ground through concrete.IT was physically impossible to dig such a big hole by a person as lean as him.Mrs Robertson too peeped into the cell corners until suddently her eyes felt on the inscriptions on the walls which probably were from MR MITCHELL himself.She read on.The first line read,””Good morning MR MITCHELL”,ant 1 said to me.Its aunt ant3 has been visiting me for a few days now.I told her that I don’t like being here .I gave her my food .She loved sweets and even bread.”There were a lot of symbols made on the walls and then the second line which was only half readable as the letters this time were from the up to bottom with an angular bent and really small.It read “I told them of how they treated pupu and Mothermarylove3 they felt sorry too.ant897 told me to come with them .”Other parts of the line were not readable and the rest lines were all parsed with figures like roman symbols.Only intelligible words were “had fun” ,”we laughed’,”tory told” ,”she flies”,”queen” etc .

While the jail authorities searched every nuke and corner of the cell and the whole reformery they couldnot find MR Mitchell .While driving back home that day Mrs Robertson understood why she felt unhappy even while extracting revenge with her sentences.She understood that NATURE cannot be tamed by sentences of a human court for it has a law and a world of its own.

This story has been written by  Mr uddalak banerjee(ubj) in  May 2011 

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