Sunday, June 19, 2016



The door was open and seeing no body around the detective ventured into the house.The house was old and far away from the town Pompus which had been ravaged by the volcano in 1995.There was thick dust on the floor .While all other houses fell to satiate the unsatiable hunger of the volcano this house had lived on mysteriously.

“William I am inside ,the baby is not here! William can you hear me?”.

There was no voice from the other side of the mobile.Since the time the case was given to Ryan Williams have been his accomplice .They had grown a strong bonding between each other even though Williams was more of reserved kind.Ryan was not knew to Pompus he had been here before to investigate another case of which he never divulged much.It was Williams who gave refuge to Ryan and the hospitality of his widow mother and small sister was truly generous.Agitated and capricious of Williams health detective Ryan was anxious.He thought of calling Alice,Williams sister to brief her on the matter but suddenly the bench behind him started to shake.A small innocent baby girl was playing on it .There was blood on the left finger of his right hand and on her left hand there was a doll wearing black clothes.Ryan went towards the baby and tried to pull him towards him .He had seen her somewhere before but the place he could not recollect.The baby disappeared from the table and in his hindsight Ryan felt someone running out of the room to the next at lightning speed.Ryan was puzzled,fraught with fear and could not decide as to what to do .He searched for his revolver but could not find it .Then he remembered that he had left it in the old coat. But now he was certain that this is no ordinary detective case.In his 17 years of detective experience Ryan had never faced such a case or condition ever.Even in the wake of Vietnam war he had always stayed calm and inspite of being a marine had never really thought of defeat or death.He ended up killing 34 enemies in the war earning himself a medal.But 34 was the formal account to murders charged to his name.He had killed a few more after he persued detective cases later on out of pure interest.But then he was young and his skin was tight which has become lose in his 43 year old body now.For the first time in his 17 years of detective experience and 7 years of life as marine Ryan felt fear staring at his face and his hoary eyelids drop .He never cared for his own life but he did care for Williams who had grown quiet endearing to him.

“hello? William? Hello? Is anyone there?”,Ryan asked on phone.

“You are welcomed to the DIS messaging service please leave your message after the word beep“, came a very familiar mechanical voice.

“William if you are listening to me were right ! I am sorry I mistrusted fast !close the windows and doors and take the widow out of town .Fast!”,Ryan got his voice recorded and still he was not ready to leave.

A black shadow fell on the wall behind Ryan and he could feel something breathing on his neck balancing on the wall.

“You wronged me..I was innocent yet you got me convicted..(pause)just here remember?Your gun fired from the position where u are standing ..(pause)..The clock I had was with William so I went there to get it and not the widow.You again calculated wrong Ryan and now you shall die!just the way you led my old mother and small sister to death following my conviction and subsequent murder.You are a murderer Ryan .he he he he he ”

Each time the words were uttered Ryan felt a deep cold breath crashing against his shoulders .The atmosphere appeared frozen and nothing moved.In deep anxiety and fear just when he was about to turn around to explain his stand a deep thrust of teeth penetrated Jones throat just above his 300$ jacket which Williams’s small sister gifted the other day when they were discussing the case in William’s house.Visages of his past deeds and his sister started to appear in his minds sight.Yet as death started to loom on the room Ryan made his last move.He threw his hand around the ghost’s neck and used all his might to overturn him by his right shoulder around him.But his otherwise sinewy strength seemed slack and he started to give up as blood started to soak his coat and shirt.He started to fall and just the moment he fell ,he made a last attempt to look into the eyes of his assassin and his weak slack voice faintly said “William! ”.The ghost’s red heneous eyes smiled with a glitter of satisfaction as the lifeless body fell to rest on the heap of the dust .

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